One of the most frequent questions we get at Watermark Woods is 'What can I plant in Dry Shade?' Yes it is a tricky spot to plant, but there are a few plants that can come to your rescue. Here is my list of tried and true heroes for your dry shady spot:
Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas Fern
Aquelegia canadensis – Wild Columbine
Polygonatum -Solomon’s Seal
Helianthus divercatus-Woodland Sunflower
Iris cristada – Dwarf Iris
Carex albicans – White Tinged Sedge
Carex flacosperma - Blue WoodSedge
Carex plantegenia - Silver Sedge
Anemone virginiana – Wild Anemone
Eupatorium rugosum – White Snake Root
Solidago caesia - Goldenrod
Phlox divercata – Creeping Phlox
Violia striata – White Violet
Viola soria – Blue Violet
Aster divercata - White Wood aster
Aster cordifolius – Blue Wood Aster
Sedum ternatum-Wild Stonecrop
Solidago sphacelata – Goldenrod
Tradescantia virginiana – Spiderwort